Thursday, 13 July 2017

Review of G1 Autobot targetmasters

        Hello boys and girls, today I'm gonna do a review on Generation one Autobot Targetmasters. The targetmasters is one of my favorite subgroup of the Transformers. The 3 main targetmasters that I will be talking about are Sureshot, Pointblank and Corsshair. There are 2 stories regarding the targetmasters. the Japanese version and the American version. For the Japanese version, targetmasters are small robots that came from planet Master. A blast created a binary bond between them and the Autobots and Decepticons, where 3 of them turn into weapons which fuse to the hands of 3 Autobots and another 3 with the Decepticons. The American version, however, showcase the Autobots crash-landed on a planet called Nebulos ,where the natives, the Nebulons, cooperate with the Transformers forming headmasters and targetmasters. This version, however, Kup, Hotrod and Blurr are also featured as targetmasters. A distinctive difference between the 2 genres is that the American Targetmasters held their Nebulon partners as guns whereas the Japanese Targetmasters bind to the hands of their operators.

Here are some pictures I took from the internet featuring the targetmasters.

I have this book which features all the transformers and their technologies, these, however, are taken from the internet 

Pointblank to me is basically the leader of the pack. His alternate mode is a futuristic cycbertronian car. I'm very happy to get all 3 Targetmasters as they represent one of the figures that I would like to own but unable to afford it that time. He does bring back a lot of memory from my G1 cartoon days. As usual, as any G1 toys, they designed the alternate modes nicely, usually have brick-like appearance for their robot mode. But the designers were using technologies from the 1980s and I'm sure they didn't expect Transformers to be so popular until today. 

His alternate mode looks cool, just the way I remembered him from the good old days and I think they've done a decent job for his alternate mode.  I'm lucky to get a vintage toy in such a good condition. Even the Autobot insignia didn't wear off too badly.

Top view for Pointblank's alternate mode.

Side view. His tires are made of plastics, not rubber.

Back view.

Here we see him with his partner Peacemaker. He fits nicely on top of Pointblank, pretty much like how he did in the cartoon.

From the side, we can see Peacemaker's simple transformation as he just needs to perform a yoga pose to lift his legs up and there you have it, his alternate mode as a gun. 

Here we have Peacemaker posing beside his ride. Well, too bad he can't really sit inside Pointblank. (but technology has made this possible currently)

Here we take a close look at Peacemaker. He looks fairly simple, as his whole face is painted white, red body and black legs. He has no other articulation other than he is able to flex his hips.

As mention above, he has 1 step transformation. Well, he is G1 anyway.

The spoiler at the back of his alternate mode can be removed and serves as a shield (I think) in his robot mode.

Here we have him is his robot mode. HE doesn't look too bad for a G1 toy, pretty decent body, limbs, and head ratio. Just that his feet are fused together. I'm quite disappointed when I notice this because even with the technology back then, they can easily split the feet and they don't need to be fused. But after doing some reading up, this is actually a safety mechanism so that it can be sell in the U.S as a toy. Oh well, can't argue with that.

The side view looks fairly clean, just a minimal kibble at the back of his head.

Well he does have hollow parts from the back, but hey, it's G1 baby, can't complaint

Don't be fooled by his brick-like appearance, he does have a fair amount of articulation.
His shoulders can rotate a full 360 degrees.
Does need some fiddling of course.

Arm abduction is about 90 degrees.
I forgot to take pictures of his awesome waist articulation where he can turn a full 360 degrees as it is part of his transformation. Take that MP 11! and MP 22! And some other MP as well ^0^

Shoulder flexion is about 90 degrees too.

Just a little close up for us to gaze upon his expressionless face lol
His head does not rotate by the way ;)

Here he is side by side with his partner.

This is a scene, commonly seen in the Japanese headmaster series.

Well, I can't really pose him with his limited articulations but hope you enjoy this scene. Whatever that is, use your imaginations. And yes, he can bend his knees.

Here he is with his accessories on.

Next, we move onto Sureshot, out next Targetmaster. His alternate mode is a dune buggy-like cycbetronian car and his partner is Spoilsport. He is actually my first G1 Targetmaster and I went on to buy the other 2 after I've had him. They are just so fun to play with.

He has plastic tires as well and he does look very accurate for a G1 toy in his alternate mode.

Top view

A little side view.

From the back, with his stickers, which survived all the wear and tear throughout the years.

Here we can see him with Spoilsport attached on top of his hood as a weapon.

Transformation for the little guys is the same. just lift up your legs and show your @$$ and disrespect the Decepticons.

Side by side with his ride.

Here we take a closer look at the little guy - Spoilsport.
He looks slightly better than Peacemaker in terms of detail and design.

Transformation is very simple, just flip him over and you have a gun :)

Now let's take a look at Sureshot himself. He dosen't look too bad for a G1 toy either, just don't like the legs sticking together and the wheels exposed at both sides of his foot. He does not have any waist rotation. 

The side view makes him look a little weird. Like a female model trying to get the get curvature lol

He has way more kibble at the back than Pointblank.

His face design is fairly simple but the head sculpt looks quite nice.

He can abduct his hands until 180 degrees.

Sadly he doesn't have shoulder rotation, but his elbow can rotate a full 180 degrees.

Well if you really want to count this as an articulation, I guess he will win a champion or two in a limbo contest. 

Here they are side by side in robot mode.

Here we can see Sureshot holding up Spoilsport as a weapon.

" Damn you designer! Its because of you I can't point my weapon forward properly!:

Last but not least, we have Crosshair. He is my favorite among the 3 in the cartoon series, but not so as a toy. His alternate mode is a Cycbetronian car , where he looks more like a 4WD. Looks very cartoon accurate.

Plastic wheels as well, a little wear and tear over the stickers, but still considered well preserved for a vintage toy.

Top view makes him look a little like a tortoise haha. Maybe it's just me.

Here we can see Pinpointer standing beside him.

The only difference between him and the other Nebulons is that he requires 2 step transformation.

He is not as disrespectful as his other colleagues as his gunbarrel is aligned with his head lol

On cloder inspection we can see he does has quite nice details, just simple colored plastic of red and black. 

Two of them charging into battle.

Crosshair side by side in robot mode with Pinpointer.

We have a closer look at Crosshair. His shoulder transformation makes him look a little bulky n squarish and I don't really like it.

Side view is more or less fine.

Won't complain about the butt tires, because after 30 years they still can't solve it. 

His shoulder does rotate a full 360 degrees.

No elbow flexion sadly, but he can do some internal rotation. 

No waist rotation, but he is the only one among the 3 to do a sitting pose.

Here he is with his Nubulon partner in gun mode.

Finally for the big finale. Out 3 targetmasters. I consider myself very lucky to find the 3 of them and still in good condition after all these years. Another childhood dream fullfilled.

Spoilsport, Peacemaker And Pinpointer. 

In their alternate modes.

SOme size comparison with MP Bluestreak

And some comparison with MP Inferno.

3rd Party company Maketoys has already come up with their version of Pointblank and he is an absolute beast! So so G1 accurate, so aesthetically pleasing and look very very awesome. Hopefully, I will be able to own it one day. There are some pictures I've taken from the internet. If you have the extra cash and really like the Tragetmasters, this is a must have.

Once again, thank you for reading. 
Till all are one.