Thursday, 11 June 2015

Fansproject WB002 Steel Core

       Hello and good day to all Transformers fans! Thank you again for reading my blog and I'm so happy that more than 10,000 views for my newbie blog! Never knew I would come this far, but my love for TF kept me going and I will try to review as often as I can.

      Next in line for my review is another Fansproject figure, WB002-Steel Core. What's interesting about this character is that he is not from the G1 cartoon or any original TF generations, but rather an original design by Fansproject probably leaning more towards IDW's wreckers. This figure caught my eye for his awesome look in robot mode and I decided to purchase him.

Here we have him inside the box. Basically he has the same box design as Revolver Core

Back of the box

Comes with his instruction manual

And...... we have comics before we move on to instructions! 

The instructions....

And here is Steel Core himself. At a glance he look great as a whole, nice torso-limbs-head ratio, great color design, nice blue and grey as the main color, looks like a lawful Autobot character love the chest piece and his lower limbs. The only part I don't like about him is at his waist. Plastic quality is above average, and like all Fansproject figures, excellent paint job!

The waist area looks a bit hollow and there is quite a big gap there. Not a very big issue, but he would look so much cooler and nice without the gap. Well I guess it can't be helped as there is no actual thing as perfect figure out there........... YET

Side view look alright, no kibbles or extra parts hanging about.

I do like the back view as I think he looks pretty cool with his transparent greenish windshield.

A little close up at his chest piece and upper body - looking good there!

Details over the head sculpt is quite good, more towards a Optimus kind of feel don't you think?
The black paint around his eyes really brings out his emerald eyes.

Closer look at the back of his head.

His head is on a ball joint allowing moderate tilting up and down movements.

His head rotates a full 360 degrees.

Shoulder is on a ball joint allowing around 80 degrees abduction motion.

Has a full 360 degrees shoulder rotation.

a 360 biceps swivel.

A shoulder hinge allowing extra abduction motion.

Elbow hinge allows 90 degrees flexion motion. His hands are in a fixed position, no individual articulating fingers, no wrist rotations.

Waist joint can rotate full 360 degrees.

The windshield is tabbed onto his back, and to perform any waist rotation, you'll need to un-tab it.

Bring it up, then rotate the waist.

Yes, he can perform the perfect split.

He can also do the anterior split.

Hip flexion is about 110 degrees.

Hip extension can be limited by parts of his thigh at the back, however, with some manipulations, you can extend the hips even further.

Hip extension post manipulation.

The thighs are on ball joints and does allow some external rotations, however, its limited.

His knee flex well to 90 degrees.

Some outwards and inwards foot tilt motion.

His feet generally is very well designed and has a wide range of articulations. They can rotate a full 360 degrees.

Foot flexion as a whole

Foot extension as a whole.

Front foot tilt.

 Next we move on to his vehicle mode. Steel Core is basically the front part/cab of a trailer. Transformation from robot to vehicle mode is not difficult, but there are several tabs around that you must fit in in order for his vehicle mode to hold properly, and therein lies the frustrating part. I had some difficulties aligning all the parts and tabs together, so you will notice some gaps around his alternate mode. I guess did not align something properly, but this is the best I can get. Hope that if you do get this figure you will have better luck than me.   :)

Top of the vehicle mode. As a whole, the vehicle mode didn't look too bad and is quite a nice cycbertronian looking cab.

Side view.

Back view.

If you see closely, the black part at the back of the vehicle is actually both his hands holding on to his weapon, which I think its a cool feature as the weapon itself is incorporated into the design of his vehicle mode. 

The upper part of his cab or windshield can be lifted up to allow Steel to sit inside of it.

Steel actually forms the front chest of Steel Core and by removing him, you can see straight to the back which gives the emerald green color. 

Steel and Revolver basically transforms into the same power-core / powermaster- like design. Though they have the same alternate mode, I'm really amazed by the amount of different details and design they put into them so that they are not just re-paints of the same mold. There are striking differents between them other than their color.

Revolver can fit into Steel Core's Core nicely and vice-versa.

Here we have Steel and Revolver side by side and you will notice they have different head, hands and legs designs. Great attention to details.

They basically have the same articulations.

As for Steel Core's weapons, he does have missile pods on either shoulder for extra firepower.

His hand-held weapon is also unique as it itself can transform to form 2 different weapons. In this mode, the weapon has an emerald nail-like front and a blade for close combat.

It can also transform into a blaster for Steel Core.

Posing time!

As a whole, Steel Core is a very stable figure and can do lots of cool poses.

Some size comparison. Here he is with Revolver Core.

With MP-10

With MP 22

With MP- 21

PROS: He is from Fansproject Warbot series, cool powermaster-like features, great articulations, above average plastic quality, excellent paint job, cool weapons.

CONS: Not actually a character from G1 continuity, big gap at the waist, no wrist rotations or finger articulations. frustrating to keep everything align in vehicle mode ( at least for me ). 

Thank you again for reading.