Been sitting around and looking at my collections and I recall all the BS I told myself all the time regarding buying TF figures LOL. Yeah, we are all guilty, well at least me :)
Here are some of them that I can think of.
1. " I will only focus on ______ series. "
Initially I told myself I will just focus on masterpiece series as I am pretty sure I wont be able to have both masterpiece and 3rd party, but...... some 3rd parties are doing a pretty darn good and its pretty hard to say no to
2. "I will stop buying after ____ figures." ( Insert number )
Well, this is another big fat lie. I told myself I will stop buying once I have MP10 and MP12. You know, just display them in a corner, just the 2 of them......... Yeah right! ;p
3. "I'm buying because they have resale value."
Not to say that they don't. Don't get me wrong, some really have great/insane resale value, but you know, you actually want to buy a figure to own and play with it, but you acted cool and say "I'm buying because of the resale value. Not because I just gotta have them." Haha!
4. " That figure is too bulky/no diecast/joint issues, I won't buy it" ------ Then snaps a picture of that figure few weeks later and post on FB with the title " LATEST HAUL"
5. " I really need to stop buying"
Then one day after a new TF release.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. " Relax, I will buy these figures, then when I run out of space, I will sell them off"
Oh boy.... this is a big dilemma.... I did told myself this and sure enough, I ran out of cupboard space after a few years, but there are still some space under the table, and my living room, and that table.... yeah, there is still some space, so I can keep buying. LOL
7. And the biggest LIE any collector can tell themselves............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
LOL. Have a great day guys. Till all are one. :)