Well hello again, to I just wanna update some upcoming Masterpiece figures which has been release, namely MP-21 Bumblebee and MP-22 Ultramagnus. To me, both of them are must haves for transformers fans and from the looks of it, they look totally awesome! Have a look.
These are some pictures I've taken from the net for MP-21
From here we can see that Bumblebee will have more than 1 faceplate? well, I prefer the G1 look.
His alternate mode looks very accurate and looks like his transformation is just like what we saw from the G1 cartoon. Liking what I see so far.
He does come with Spike in Exo-suit and I think its a very cool add on since both of them are pretty close.
Another cool thing to note is that Spike's Exo-suit can transform like what we saw in the movie.
From the picture, the scale in vehicle mode is as accurate as it can be.
The back part looks slightly messy to me, but as long as it pegs nicely and not fumble around, I'm ok with it. his limbs in black color is a little too skinny for me, but maybe its just me.
From this view, it look very nice.
And of course, he is perfectly in scale with MP-10. As a whole, from the pictures I saw from the net, he is a very very cool figure as a whole, and I can't wait for his release. Pre-order yours now from your favorite toy store boys and girls.
Next MP in line will be MP-22 Ultra Magnus! Initially fans were speculating that Ultra Magnus is MP-10 mold and the trailer will form a sort of armor around MP-10, like the 80's toy, but Takara took a step further and MP-22 can transform into robot mode without having to take of any parts of the trailer and attach to Ultra Magnus in robot mode- A true transformation indeed. The other one who has successfully did this is a 3rd party callef FKC - Citizen Stack. While they are successful in making Ultra Magnus transform fro vehicle mode to robot mode as a while, the head scalp is a bit of a disappointment to me, but it gives us a glimpse of how MP-22 would transform. I don't think its a bad rendition of Ultra Magnus as a whole but something just does not feels right with the figure. Still I must give them credit for their effort and their gutsy move to release an Ultra Magnus figure even though they knew MP-22 is on the way.
Here are some pictures I got from the net.
As we can see here, KFC made a very good job to make CItizen Stack in scale with MP-10's vehicle mode. Their alternate mode don't look to bad themselves.
Citizen does tower over MP-10 but I guess you can't blame them as Citizen stack includes the whole Trailer for his transformation, while MP-10 is just the front cab.
Here are some pictures of Takara's upcoming release, MP-22 Ultra Magnus. As a whole, he is very cartoon accurate, but he does look a bit bulky. Again, same problem encountered by KFC. The front part of the robot mode looks almost flawless but the back part looks a bit disappointing, because I was hoping for a cleaner look from the back. Don't get me wrong, I'm digging this figure, looks totally awesome! Just a little nit pick.
His vehicle mode is very cartoon accurate as well and the rockets are at the sides, unlike Citizen Stack. He is too in scale with MP-10's alternate mode.
Cool thing is that he can carry up to 4 MP cars on his trailer which I think its a very-very cool feature.
He does tower over Optimus, but I guess all that trailer mass have to go somewhere.
Not sure if he has the Matrix in him, but I think this one belongs to MP-10.
Another cool feature for this figure is that they will include Spike and Daniel ? Does not bug me if they don't, but its a nice add on. Well I guess I have to put more money aside to get him because MP-22 looks freaking awesome!!! Really hope Takara can release MP-21 and MP-22 on the expected date, because MP-20 has been push to Sept 2014 and the wait is killing me.
Get yours now!!! Till all are one!!!