Hello and good day ladies and gentleman. Today I'm going to do a review on another 3rd party Transformers, Function X-1 CODE by fansproject. ( Not CHROMDOME get it? ) Fansproject headmasters series has always fascinates me and since I got function X-3, I knew I have to have function X1 and X2. They excel in their product quality, good paint jobs and plastic quality, detailing and blew my mind away with their creative ways of transforming.
Chromedome came to life in Transformers G1 season 3 with the other targetmasters and headmasters, but I like it more in the Japanese version of Transformers Headmaster. In the Japanese version, Chromedome is the leader among his group of 4, namely Hardhead, Brainstorm, and Highbrow. The G1 cartoon and Transformers headmasters series has slight differences in their head-sculpt design.
Here are some pictures I took from the net. His design is basically nothing fancy, just simple and nice. No shoulder canons, backpack etc, but he is still a very cool character. His headmaster partner is Stylor.
Here is the Japanese Headmaster series version. He has a lot more detailing.
And here we have the G1 series, more simple in his design.
And here is Function X1: Code himself! His design is obviously the same with other function X series. Looks ok, just a bit dull. No big deal.
Once you open up the box, you will see him in robot mode, and beneath him is his weapons and instruction manual.
You get 2 of his blasters, much like the cartoon series.
Instructions manual.
And here he is out of the box. (without the Autobot symbol of course ) At first glance, you will have no doubt about it, yup, this is Chromdome. I think he will look even better if his face plate is orange in colour. But anyway, he does look good, and the more I see him, the more I like him. Just feels like he's missing a crotch piece, lol, and his hands looks a little bit thinner than I expected. No? Maybe its just me.
Again Fansproject did a good job in the paint quality and no paint blemishes whatsoever. Plastic quality is very much like X2 and X3.
Here is his side view and I think they did a good job as he looks very sleek and no over-hanging parts. Very nice and compact.
Back view looks well constructed too.
His head can turn 360 degrees.
His hands are in a ball joint and they can rotate around but he is unable to abduction much, probably 0-40 degrees.
Same thing here.
Elbow and biceps rotation.
His fingers and fist are fixed and no individual articulations, however his wrist does rotate as a whole.
Closer look at his hand and wrist.
His hip rotates 360 degrees.
Hip and knee flexion.
All the way back.
He can't perform a perfect split, and this is as far as how he could go.
Thigh rotation.
His foot does extends downwards, but not upwards. Unable to perform side to side ankle movements.
Here he is with his 2 blasters. I'm really happy with the details they put into his weapons and the color is G1 accurate as well.
" Kiss your @$$ goodbye deceptocreeps!"
His weapons can be store behind both his arms which makes him look badass!
Looks really cool :)
And here we have Stylor his partner.
I would say he has decent amount of detailing done, and love the color tone.
He has limited articulations and is similar to function X2 and X3
Here he is in alternate mode. I must say his cycbertronian car is a bit small than I expected, but again, Fansproject amazes me yet again with their creative and fun transformation. They never fail to surprise me and I really have fun transforming him.
But the cool thing is that you can actually see a steering or joystick for Stylor and the little brown tip is to fit Stylor in it to make him very stable while he is driving. Very nice attention to details!.
Lets burn rubber!
The alternate mode looks very cool as a whole and is as G1 as you can get. Nice details can be seen all over the alternate mode and nice colors.
Side view. His wheels does really role, but they are made of plastic, not rubber.
Here is the back view and the 2 slots there are for his weapons.
You can fit his weapons onto his alternate mode, similar to G1.
Top view.
Side view again.
Here we can compare his alternate mode size with X-3, and he does seem much smaller, but its ok, a jet is suppose to be bigger than a car right?
Like all Function X series, they don't really scale well with masterpiece series. Probably he will looks much better if they made him into King Mania size? But not a big issue.
Here he is with X2 and X3 Nebulons.
I think they looks pretty damn cool together ;p
The reason why we all love headmasters... lol
He does look kind of nice on weirdwolf.
The only 1 nitpicks that I have for him is his foot, which looks a bit like an oversize shoe, but its part of his transformation, so its still ok.
And here is a picture of G1 chromedome I got from the net.
G1 Accuracy: 8/10
Articulation and posability: 7/10
Plastic quality: 8/10
Box quality: 6/10
Helpful instruction manual: 6/10
Collector's card: NIL
Paint quality: 9/10
Price: About RM 290-RM 350
Size: About Voyager size
Pros: He is a HEADMASTER!, fun transformation, good paint job, above average plastic quality.
Cons: Not in scale with MP series. No finger articulation. No light-piping, less posable compare to X2 and X3
As a summary: Highly recommended for headmasters fans.
Thank You for reading.