Friday, 20 September 2013

Uranos review version 3.0

       Hello again ladies and gentleman! today we will move onto the next and last arielbots from TFC, SR-71 Black Bird and X-47 Phantom Ray. Phantom Ray is a new member for the TFC version of Arielbots, and like I mention in my previous post, its not a very good addition in my opinion. Not that he is an ugly chest piece, its just that he is very wobbly and unstable. Sometimes he is a real pain in the @$$ to peg in and maintain it there. The slightest manipulation the the chest piece will cause it to dislodge. I'm not sure whether its only me who face this problem or you guys have the same issue? Let me know ya.

      Anyway, moving on to my review. Phantom Ray is a small stealth bomber i suppose? He looks quite nice and cute in his mini jet mode and his robot mode is .... well, ok. Nothing much to shout about. His transformation is quite easy and does not have a whole lot of articulation due to his size. As a conclusion he is an ok figure.

He does peg onto Blackbird on the back. Cool feature i must say.

A little size comparison.

In Robot mode next to Black Bird.

Cute little guy.. lol. As you probably notice, his does not actually have any "real" hands, just an extension of his wings.

His chest piece mode.

Next we move on to the leader of the Arielbots, Silverbolt! or in this case, Black Bird. In G1 Cartoon, he is actually a concord plane, but again this is a 3rd party figure, and it does not actually bother me that much. What actually bothers me more is the chest piece. ;-p His jet mode looks OK, a little downside to his jet mode is that he is a little heavy at the posterior part of the jet which tilts the front part of the jet upwards. His engines on oth sides are detachable as do all the wings for the other TFC Uranos jets. His cockpit also opens up and it reveals 2 seats instead of 1. He is the tallest among the TFC Arielbots and he forms the torso of Superion. Articulation is great and easy to post. 

If you flip the jet over, you will notice it looks like he is doing an extremely difficult yoga pose.. lol.

Cockpit opens up and reveals 2 pilot seats.

Sometimes the weight at the back of the plane tilts the tip up. In this picture, you will also notice 2 gattling guns below the cockpit.

The front portion of the plane is detachable and this will form a gun for either Silverbolt or Superion.

In weapon mode. Not the weapon we saw in G1 cartoon, but good effort I suppose.

I prefer to shorten the barrel of the gun so that it wont be too unstable.

Transformation into torso mode. (Without pulling his antenna up). Superion's head hides inside his chest piece. What you need to do is open Silverbolt's chest piece and flip Superion's head up.

Antenna up!

Both Phantom Ray and Black Bird came in the same box.

They only have the stats card for Blackbird.

Next, we move onto Superion himself!!! He does look very nice indeed and intimidating. He is quite huge in size, and articulation is quite nice. The only problem is that you have to be very careful with his chest piece as it dislodge very easily and is quite annoying to put it back.

Trying out without the chest piece. Makes him look more like G1 Superion, no?

Size comparison with MP-12

Size comparison with MP-10

Big Family photo!!!

Thank You for reading guys!!! Hope you enjoy my little review for TFC's Uranos project. Will add in more pictures in future, and if you guys have any suggestions or request please let me know, this is my 1st blog and 1st review.

P.S: I just bought some autobot stickers and will show you guys how they look like.
Next I will be doing some reviews for the Masterpiece figures by Takara. 

Stay tuned.........  :)

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