Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Continuation of my Uranos review......

        Hello and good day. We move on to the next Arielbot, Skydive ( F-16 Falcon )!!! I believe he was the last arielbot to be release under TFC's Uranos project, but anyway.... Skydive comes with a similar box design, but he has a slight difference in transformation compare to the other arielbots. The lateral sides at the front part of his alternate jet mode folds down to become part of his chest piece. Other than that, his transformation is more or less the same. He forms the leg of Superion. Jet mode is again accurate and reminds me of the F-16 Falcons that I saw in "Independence day" ( One of my favorite movie ). The cockpit can be open up like the rest of the Arielbots in the Uranos project.

His head bends foward and hides in his chest piece when he transforms into superion's leg. However, it does not peg firmly.


We'll move onto the next guy which is Air Raid ( F-15 Eagle ). He has the best Jet mode I suppose. My favourite :) The tip of his jet can be open to reveal a small radar. He has missile pods on his chest and he forms the leg of superion. And he has a cool mode in his robot form. Check out the picture below ;)

Loks very cool in his jet mode.

For this pose, i tried leaving his afterburner and he is still able to stand, makes him slightly taller i guess.
For accurate transformation, you should lift up his afterburners. Well, cool thing about transformers is that we get to fiddle with some of the transformation for an extra bit of fun right?


Chest piece opens up to reveal missile pods!

If you fiddle around with the transformation, you have Air-raid the autobot seeker!!! Saw someone did this on you-tube, and its really cool.

Again his head bends down and hides inside his chest piece. It does not pegs firmly but its slightly better than F-16 Falcon.

Well, completed reviews for all 4 limbs. Which only leaves us with the last Arielbots~~~~~ Silverbolt! and his new sidekick. Stay tuned.......

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